Cereal Bars

Solve a system of equations to determine the units of ingredients needed to make a cereal bar.

Don’t Push It

Use a Computer Based Laboratory (CBL) device to investigate how the gas pressure changes with the volume.

It’s Getting Darker

Use a Computer Based Laboratory (CBL) device to investigate how the intensity of light changes with the distance from a light source such as a bulb or a flashlight.

Chill Out

Use a Computer Based Laboratory (CBL) device to investigate what happens to the temperature of a cup of hot water while time is passing.

Bouncing Ball

Use a Computer Based Laboratory (CBL) device to investigate the motion of a bouncing ball.

Taking Classes

Given certain parameters, how many possible students can take math and English, science and English, and math and science?

Mystery Number

What is the mystery number that fits the description?

Palindrome Odometer

Determine how fast a bus was traveling during two hours of time.

Paper Folding

Determine the thickness of folded paper.

Phone Tree

Determine the structure of a telephone tree used by eighth graders in Jefferson County who offered to help when the river flooded their town.