How Many Thousands?

Find possible values of a digit in an eight-digit number when you know one of its divisors.

Situational Reminders

Find the smallest positive integer when you know its divisors and remainders.

Mystery Number

Given three of its twelve factors, what is the mystery number?


Find a sequence of calculator key presses that produces a given number in the display.

Multiple Ages

Determine my age given that it is a multiple of a particular integer one year and a multiple of a different integer the next year.

Extended Pythagoras

Find three special numbers that add up to 365.

Consecutive Products

Find consecutive numbers whose product is a particular number.

Perplexing Properties

Find a number with these special properties.

Adding Places

Determine how many times the digits of each number less than 209 add to 8.

Balancing Entertainment

Help Jasmine determine how many CDs, tapes, and videos she can buy.