Fraction Figures

Using basic fraction operations to describe the fraction of shaded figures.

Unit Fractions and Fibonacci

Represent unit fractions as the sum of other fractions.

Pandigital Fraction

Examine situations with fractions that have the property of all digits from 1 to 9.

Paper Folding

Determine the thickness of the folded paper.

Dimes and Quarters

Determine the combination of quarters and dimes in a given amount of money.

Counting Zeros

How many zeros are at the end of a factorial?

Portions of 1000

Which numbers have the digit 7 as at least one of the digits?

Log Cutting

How long does it take to cut a wooden log into a certain number of parts?

Library Fines

Help Minerva understand her charges from the school library.

Mailbox Letters

Find five words that are worth $1.00.