Pricing Notebooks

How much did John and his twin brothers pay for one notebook?

Folders for Sale

Determine how much the manager of a store reduced the price of a folder.

Approximate Digit Use

Use the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 exactly once to make two decimal numbers whose product equals a particular number.

Growing Tree

After four years, how many feet high was a tree that Mrs. Johnson’s class planted?

Missing Hundreds

Determine the sum of all the digits that could replace the digit d in a given number.

Remainders of Three

Find the remainder when a large number is divided by 3.

Johnny’s Rule

A student has “discovered” a rule for subtracting fractions. Does his method always work? 

Digital Fractions

Use the digits 0 – 9 to make the fraction 1/3.

Mysterious Numbers

Discover some strange properties about a mysterious number.

Can You Tell?

Multiplying, dividing, and then comparing fractions.