Hot Stuff

If you are in Georgia, it should be easy to find the fraction and decimal that says, “I am hot.”

Unit Fractions: Terminating, Repeating or Never-Ending?

Investigate patterns that emerge when unit fractions are converted into decimal form.

Raising Salaries

How much was Sally earning 8 years ago?

Red and Green Marbles

What would you have to add to a package of marbles so that the ratio of red marbles to green marbles becomes 5 to 8?

Discounting Cars

Help a car dealer decide how much to mark down her old inventory.

Increasing Area

If the area of a rectangle increases how much does its length and width increase?

Bouncing Ball

Determine how high a ball rebounds with each bounce.

It’s On Lacey

How much lunch can Lacey afford? 

Buying Ping Pong Balls

How many balls did Alice buy? 

Predicting the Value of a House

How much will the Miller’s house be worth thirty years?