Geometric Sequences and Series

Explore the properties of geometric sequences and series.

Four Number Challenge

Does the absolute value of four numbers always lead to zero?

Same Base Multiples and Exponents

Find the power of 4 that is equivalent to a given expression.

Double Exponents

Find the power of 2 that is equivalent to a given expression.

Super Soccer

How many full size soccer teams and how many “short formation” soccer teams will Supertown field?

Pages with Digits

How many pages are in the book?

Proper Patterns

Given some of the proper factors of a number, what could the number be?

Hypatia’s Triumph

Take on the Egyptian Hypatia’s challenge about sums of squares.

Double Trouble

Find a number that fits this description.

The Frog Race

Two frogs have a race. Determine which frog wins the race.