Unit Fractions and Fibonacci

Represent unit fractions as the sum of other fractions.

Pandigital Fraction

Examine situations with fractions that have the property of all digits from 1 to 9.

Paper Folding

Determine the thickness of the folded paper.

Dimes and Quarters

Determine the combination of quarters and dimes in a given amount of money.

Counting Zeros

How many zeros are at the end of a factorial?

Portions of 1000

Which numbers have the digit 7 as at least one of the digits?

Log Cutting

How long does it take to cut a wooden log into a certain number of parts?

Library Fines

Help Minerva understand her charges from the school library.

Mailbox Letters

Find five words that are worth $1.00.

Fractional Triangle

Fill in the circle using fractions so that each side of the triangle will have a particular sum.