Using Up Digits

Find a multiplication sentence using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 so that the product is closest to a certain number.

Difficult Change

Can you guess what coins I have if I tell you what I can’t give change for?

Canceling Jumps

Find the value in simplest terms.

The Secret Pocket

How many of each kind of coin does Keith have in his secret pocket?

Bouncing Ball

Determine how many times a ball hits the ground.

Collecting Dimes

How many dimes did the driver receive in his tip?

Spending It All

Help a shopper spend $62.

Adding Fractions

Describe a set of natural numbers that fits a certain description.

Shopping for Plants

Help Mr. Alvarez determine which shop has the better buy on marigolds.

Pricing Notebooks

How much did John and his twin brothers pay for one notebook?