Octahedron in a Cube

Determine the probability that a point lies in a particular area.

Maximum Surface Area

Investigate the relationship between surface area and volume in a solid with square faces.

Pyramid in a Box

Determine the probability that a point lies in a particular area.

Inscribing & Circumscribing Polygons

Construct polygons using a dynamic geometry software that are inscribed in a circle or circumscribe about a circle.

Perplexing Pentominoes

Explore with pentominoes.

Pentagram Triangles

How many triangles are formed?

Same Size Perimeter

If the perimeter remains the same, can the area change?

Avoiding a Pentagon

Can you draw points on a piece of paper so that it is not possible to connect them to form a convex pentagon?

Dividing a Trapezoid

Divide a given shape into 4 congruent shapes.

N-Sided Circle?

Compare the perimeters of polygons to the circumference of the circle.