Sum of Consecutive Integers

Use the sum of consecutive integers to form certain numbers.

Completing the Sequence

Find the next numbers in the sequences.

Squares on a Checkerboard

Determine how may squares are on a given checkerboard.

Medians of a Triangle

Determine the relationship between the coordinates of the vertices of a triangle and its centroid.

Equation of a Circle

Find the equation of a circle based on its radius and locus of coordinates.

The Slope of a Curve

Explore the variability of the slope of a curve on small intervals.

X-Intercept Transformations

Identify the change in the x-intercepts of a function when you reverse its leading coefficient and constant term.

Maximums of Functions

Determine which type of functions have maximums and under what circumstances those maximums occur.

Intersecting Graphs

Determine which pairs of functions produce the greatest number of intersections.

Solving Graphically

Identify the solution to an equation by examining its graph.