Keith’s Pocket

How much money did Keith originally have in his pocket?

Units of Speed

Find an equation that will compare speed units of miles per hour to kilometers per hour.

Population Changes

Generate a function that will describe the population of your state vs. time.

Pricing Pizzas

What type of function (linear, quadratic, or exponential) would you create to describe the cost of the pizza vs. the number of toppings?

Comparing Temperatures

Use data to derive an equation that relates Celsius to Fahrenheit, Celsius to Kelvin, and Kelvin to Fahrenheit.

Altered State

Make a false equation correct by alternating the “punctuation” on the left side of the equation.

Piano Frequency

Is the given relation comparing key position and frequency actually a function?

Heron’s Area

Explore the world of Heron triangles – triangles with sides of integral length and integral area.

The Life of a Natural Number

Determine the behavior of natural numbers given that even and odd numbers act differently.

Shifting Parabolas

Examine graphs of y=x2 + bx + 6, where b is any real number.